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Our workshops

In recent years, we have developed plenty of workshop contents that explain the human perception and behavior from various environmental psychological perspectives. In addition, we offer general workshops on a socio-ecological transition and group coachings. We also offer our workshops online.

Psychology of Environmental Protection - Starting Points and Barriers for Climate Protection

Why do actions for environmental justice not always work out - despite positive attitudes? In this workshop, on the base of an environmental psychological model, we convey knowledge that enables you to better understand people and thereby make climate protection campaigns more effective.


How to Face the Perfect Problem? - How Climate Communication Can Be Successful

How can we communicate with others at eye level about environmental protection? And in doing so, how can we successfully represent our own position ? This workshop will creatively educate you about the cornerstones of effective and compelling climate communication.

Climate Myths and Disinformation - Argumentative Strategies Against Climate Change Skeptics

You've probably came across conversations, comments or articles that misrepresent scientific findings on climate change or devalue climate activists to undermine climate protection measures. What can we do about it? In practical exercises, you will learn to recognize climate myths and disinformation and acquire effective strategies to counter them in arguments.


Psychology of Collective Actions - Understanding Social Change

What motivates us to join in protests and to raise our voice? In this workshop, we present a model of collective action that helps to make the mobilization for and development of climate demonstrations and other politicized actions more effective.

Psychological Pathways to a Degrowth Society - A Combination Attempt

What different attitudes towards degrowth exist? Which values and needs play a role here? And how can you motivate people to rethink and act? This workshop provides a space for reflection on important issues of the degrowth movement.


Happiness and Consumption - Creating a Good Life Together

"Buy happiness" promises the ad industry: Whether it is a new dress or even a new car, happiness seems to be around the next corner of money transfer. But does consumption really lead to happiness? And which risks and side effects does a consumption-oriented attitude have? In this workshop, we focus an what really enriches our lives and how we can put an emphasize on it.

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Intensive Group Coaching - Empowerment for Successful Work in the Context of Sustainability

In this one- to three-day coaching, we visit you and support you in your pro-environment commitment - whether teambuilding, vision finding, goal clarification, group roles, project management or concrete project work, we are flexible and adapt to your needs!


Setting the Focus Right - a Workshop on the Big Points of Environmental Behavior

What use are small steps in climate protection? And what should we really focus on? In this workshop you will learn which pro-environmental behavior really counts and how it can spread across behavioral domains.

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We’d be glad to visit you


  • "Ich habe super viel Praktisches aus dem Workshop mitnehmen können, was ich auf mein Engagement zu Hause direkt anwenden kann. Einfach toll!"

    Teilnehmerin der Degrowth Summerschool
  • "Ich fand die Methodik super spannend und bin motiviert, sie zu Hause mit noch mehr Inhalten zu füllen."

    Teilnehmerin der Sommerschule
  • "Der Workshop war kurzweilig, sehr gut aufgearbeitet und aufgebaut und zusätzlich mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen und Anwendungsideen durchzogen. Nur zu empfehlen!"

    Studentin der Universität Konstanz
  • "Die Kombination aus Theorie und Praxis fand ich richtig cool. Perfekt für mich und toll zu sehen, was man gemeinsam in Gruppen bewirken kann."

    Teilnehmer der Sommerschule
  • "Ich glaube, die Psychologie wird total unterschätzt und kann eigentlich total viel bewirken. Danke, dass ihr mir das gezeigt habt!"

    Teilnemerin der Sommerschule
  • "Euer Workshop hat mir Energie gegeben, mit meinem Engagement weiter zu machen. Danke dafür!"

    Teilnehmerin der Sommerschule
  • "Ich habe tolle Strategien kennen gelernt, die ich anwenden und zusammen mit meiner Lokalgruppe effektiv umsetzen kann."

    Teilnehmer der Sommerschule
  • "Ein super gehaltvoller Workshop, bei dem ich inhaltlich und methodisch sehr viel mitnehmen konnte. Anders kann man das nicht zusammenfassen. Vielen Dank dafür."

    Teilnehmer der Sommerschule